About the Artist / Contact Us

About the Artist / Contact Us

In 2003, Robert and his wife, Susan, relocated from Maryland to Freeport, Maine. Rural landscapes and scenes from nature have always held a strong attraction for Robert and are the basis for many of his paintings. As this collection will attest, life in Maine is providing many new and exciting opportunities for his work.

Robert paints free-hand. In the field, he takes photographs or sketches in pencil. Later, sometimes weeks or months later, in the studio, he free-hands a new pencil sketch directly onto canvas or paper. The field work is used solely for reference and to refresh his memory. The original pencil lines can generally still be seen on close inspection of his finished work. He often works on a fairly large scale; some of the images are as much as 40 by 60 inches.

This is the authorized website for Robert Wieferich original paintings. All paintings shown here are watercolors, except for a few, which are oil on canvas and are so noted. The actual image size is shown. The paintings have been chosen to represent Robert’s range of work and his interests over many years. Paintings marked “NFS” are not for sale. We hope you enjoy them. Your comments/queries are welcome:

Robert A. Wieferich
One South Street
Freeport, Maine 04023